David began directing plays in college with productions of Fuddy Meers and An Evening of Ives. Since then, he has directed throughout Chicago, including The Golden Girls: The Lost Episodes, Vol. 1, Holiday Edition and a staged reading of Psycho Beach Party with Hell in a Handbag, Speech & Debate with BPBCo., Recurring John with Underscore Theatre Company, Confessions of a Character Actor, The Swallows, The Ten Plagues-No Substitutions, and Title Redacted with Eclectic Full Contact Theatre, a virtual staged reading of Lonely Planet with Pride Films & Plays, The Snowman Monologues with The Lightbulb Factory, and The Berenstain Bearadox (a play he wrote) and The Cat Commitment with Paradox Theatre Works. He has also assistant directed productions with Hell in a Handbag, Black Button Eyes Productions, and Runaways Lab Theater.
BPBCo., 2018
Underscore Theatre Company, 2015
Hell in a Handbag, staged reading, 2016
Hell in a Handbag, 2017
Pride Films & Plays, virtual staged reading, 2020
The Lightbulb Factory, 2023
Eclectic Full Contact Theatre, 2023
Eclectic Full Contact Theatre, 2024
"Pride’s virtual play reading [of Lonely Planet] is entertaining and thought provoking. David Lipschutz directs [the production... Steven] Dietz’ eloquent text makes it easy for us to visualize the drama that Jody and Carl are living. The two actors’ strong performances also enhance the experience." - Nancy S Bishop, Third Coast Review.
"What struck me so vitally was that this is a play of the now, sparked by the direction of David Lipschutz, and written with intuitive modernity by Stephen Karam… even though it opened Off-Broadway in 2007. Brown Paper Box Company has a history of finding gems in the theater of the last generation and reviving them for Chicago audiences." - Patrick McDonald, Hollywood Chicago.
"Theater Critics' Pick!" - Windy City Times.
"[D]irector David Lipshutz managed the black-box style transitions seamlessly..." - Jacob Davis, Chicago Critic.