G'Oy Vey!
Photo Credit: Spoonie Theater
Book and Lyrics by David Lipschutz
Music by Frankie Leo Bennett and David Lipschutz
Additional Book and Lyrics by Frankie Leo Bennett
Ash, a bunny bat from the planet RabBatron, crash lands in Roswell, New Mexico, in July of 1947. Along the way, Ash meets Elliott, a ten-year-old boy who feels most comfortable in traditionally-defined women's clothing. As both Ash and Elliott feel out of place in this world, they work together to help Ash get back to RabBatron and gain a newfound friendship that spans across the galaxy. One-act TYA musical.
A virtual first date between Ezra, who is Jewish, and Taylor, who is not, goes awry when Ezra’s entire family shows up. One-act virtual play.
Production History:
Spoonie Theater (NY), 2022
Geneva Theatre Guild (NY), 2021
Act Your Age Productions (UK), reading, 2021
Chicago Park District (IL), reading, 2021
Honors: TANYS Award Recipient for Excellence In Playwriting, Theater Association of New York State, 2023
A man thinks he is going into a work Zoom call like any other day, but this time, Zoom seems to have a mind of its own. One-act play.
Production History:
Left Edge Theatre (CA), 2022
Scawwy Howwow Theatre (NY), reading, 2022
Co-Written with Dana Hall. Who doesn’t love true crime stories filled with paranormal activities and ghastly hauntings? Tune in each week to “Pete & Petria’s Petrifying Podcast” to hear tales of strange and terrifying events. One-act radio play.
Production History:
For Page & Screen, 2023
Gather by the Ghostlight, 2022
When Mathematics Professor Archie Medes returns home to help his ailing mother run the family pie shop, he gets more than he bargained for as his mathematical prowess thrusts him into the world of crime solving. The Pi(e) Guy is presented as a television pilot (a la Murder, She Wrote), but it is written to be performed on the stage. One-act play.
Production History:
Scawwy Howwow Theatre (NY), reading, 2022
An adult child who lives in his parents’ basement and plays video games all day goes an unexpected adventure. One-act play.
Copyright © 2025 David Lipschutz - All Rights Reserved.